Order Your Divorce Books Today At Millennium Divorce
Divorce books at
MillenniumDivorce.com give you basic, easy to understand
information, right now when you need it. Many of these books
have been written by divorce attorneys specifically for
consumers. They will assist you in cutting your legal fees
and proactively managing your own case. They will, in short,
provide you with all of the basics, without you spending thousands
of dollars on attorneys fees.
The Divorce Books
listed below are a compilation covering the varied interests that
our readers have. Some of these books should be read by fathers,
some by mothers, many by either parent, and so forth. Take a look
and see what addresses your concerns. As always, the more informed
you are, the better your results are likely to be.
The Divorce
by Jean Mahserjian and Whitney Clark
This divorce book contains basic information on
all divorce & separation issues, including custody, child
support, mediation, separation agreements, the court process, the
division of property, and more.
Just Child
by Jean Mahserjian and Whitney Clark
This child support
book provides a comprehensive analysis of child support, including
the Federal Law setting up support formulas, how the formulas are
calculated, what is included, and more.
Divorce -
No Children
by Jean Mahserjian and Whitney Clark
This divorce book
is for consumers who do not have children and who do not want to
pay for a book that extensively covers custody and support,
Divorce - No Children is for you.
Divorce -
No Children offers
basic information on all divorce & separation issues. Includes
a comprehensive outline of the laws in every state pertaining to
Divorce, Alimony, and Property Distribution.
Support, Custody & You
by Jean Mahserjian and Whitney Clark
A comprehensive
analysis of child support, support formulas, and state
& Separation - New York; The Law, The Process and
by Jean Mahserjian and Whitney Clark
This divorce book
provides comprehensive information on New York divorce and
separation and was written for the consumer. Includes issues
on New York fault divorce grounds, the New York Court system, New
York child support calculator, New York property division, New York
spousal support standards, and much, much more.

A Practical
Guide to Deciding Whether to Get Divorce
by Karl Augustine
This proven
decision making system will help you to make a clear decision about
the future of your marriage and your relationship. Be
confident about your decision and choose the right path for

How to
Divorce as Friends
by Bill Ferguson
This relationship
and divorce book can help you to heal your relationship, one human
being to another.
More Information

25 Secrets
of Emotionally Intelligent Fathers
by Mark Brandenburg
Here's a book that
will help you to have happy, productive, and connected kids who
listen to you!

How to
Legally Save Thousands on Your Divorce
by Michael Daniel
A contested divorce could cost you between
$15,000 and $30,000. You can learn how to slash those fees when you
learn the materials in "How To Legally Save
Thousands On Your Divorce".

How to Fix
Your Wife in Thirty Days or Less
by Mark Brandenburg
Are you serious about improving your
relationship with your wife? Are you tired of pointing fingers at
each other and being in conflict?.

Save The
by Lee Baucom
Don’t give up
on your marriage! There is an alternative to
More Information

Should You
Stay or Should You Go
by Susie and Otto Collins
Are you considering
divorce? Here's how to make the best
More Information

Questions For Couples
by Michael Webb
If you knew the
answers to these questions, you could save your marriage from the
disaster of divorce.
More Information