Arizona Alimony Laws

Arizona Alimony Issues, & Resources

Arizona Alimony

Arizona spousal support or alimony can be awarded to either spouse in an Arizona Divorce. The party requesting alimony must: 
  • lack sufficient property to provide for his or her reasonable needs;

  • be unable to support him or herself through appropriate employment;

  • be the custodian of a child whose age and condition is such that the custodian should not be required to seek employment outside the home;

  • lack an earning ability in the labor market to adequately support him or herself

  • have contributed to the educational opportunities of the other spouse; or 

  • have had a marriage of long duration and be of an age which may preclude the possibility of gaining employment adequate to support him or herself.  

If an Arizona Court determines that a party is entitled to spousal support or alimony, it will consider the following factors in structuring an award: 

  • the time necessary for the party to acquire an education and training for suitable employment;

  • the party's future earning capacity;

  • the party's standard of living during the marriage;

  • the duration of the marriage;

  • the ability of the party paying maintenance to meet his or her needs while providing the maintenance to the other part;

  • the financial resources of the party seeking maintenance;

  • any destruction, concealment, fraudulent disposition, or excessive expenditures of jointly-held property;

  • the comparative financial resources of the parties including their comparative earning capacities;

  • the respective ages of the parties; 

  • the physical and emotional condition of the parties;

  • the usual occupations of the parties during the marriage; and

  • the vocational skills of the party seeking maintenance.  

An Arizona Court cannot consider marital misconduct in awarding maintenance.

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