Florida Divorce Laws, Child Support, and Attorneys

Florida Divorce Issues & Resources

Florida Divorce

Florida Divorce Residency Requirements

Either party must have lived in the State of Florida for at least six months prior to the commencement of the action.

Florida Divorce Filing Requirements

The divorce action may be commenced in either the county where the non-filing party resides or the county where the parties last lived together prior to separation.

Florida Divorce Grounds

The grounds for Divorce in Florida are as follows:

  • (1) Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage;

  • (2) Mental incapacity for three years.

Expedited Florida Divorce Process

The parties can follow a procedure for an expedited divorce if: 

  • the parties do not have any minor children and if no children are expected,

  • marital property and debts have been divided by agreement of the parties, and 

  • if the ground for divorce is irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

To obtain an expedited divorce, the parties must appear in Court to testify to the above referenced factors and to file a statement that the State residency requirement have been satisfied and other Court forms.

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