North Carolina Alimony Laws and Spousal Support
North Carolina Alimony Issues & Resources
North Carolina Alimony
North Carolina alimony or spousal support may be awarded to either party based upon the following factors:
the standard of living established during the marriage;
the comparative financial resources of the spouses, including their comparative earning abilities in the labor market and their incomes;
the mental, physical and emotional conditions of the spouses;
the marital misconduct of the spouses;
the ages of the spouses;
the contribution of one spouse to the education, training, or earning power of the other spouse;
the effect of a spouse having primary custody of a child;
the relative education of the spouses and the time necessary for a spouse to acquire sufficient education or training to become self-sufficient;
the contribution of a spouse as a homemaker;
the tax consequences;
the ability of the spouse to pay;
separate and marital debt;
expenses needed to support each party;
obligations to support others;
property brought to the marriage;
the relative needs of the spouses; and
any other factor the court deems just and equitable. Spousal support will be barred based upon illicit sexual activity.
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