Legal Research Resources

For the complete text of the United States Constitution, follow this link:

"Uniform Laws" are laws drafted by a committed and proposed as uniform legislation for the fifty states.  Some "uniform laws" have been adopted by all fifty states and some have been adopted by only a few states.  When a state adopts a "uniform law", it does not always adopt the exact language that has been proposed or that has been adopted by each of the other states.  For each "uniform law" listed in our resource, the state that has adopted that law is listed and the text of the law adopted by that state has also been included.  Included for your review are the:

  • the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act 
  • the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act 
  • the Uniform Divorce Recognition Act 
  • the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, and 
  • the Uniform Adoption Act, 
 follow this link:   

To view the Divorce Laws of the fifty States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, follow this link. Scroll down the page to find all of the available resources:

To view the constitution or statutes of any of the fifty states, follow this link:

For a complete listing of online resources available in each state, including Judicial Opinions, Administrative listings, and more, follow this link:

Emancipation is generally the age at which child support is no longer payable.  To view the law of each State on the emancipation of children, follow this link: